Sports- associations

Fun in sports

At a time when the challenges of physical and mental harassment in sports are becoming increasingly visible, maintaining enjoyment during sports is increasingly important.

We all understand the value of a safe sports environment. Safety is a prerequisite for your sports association, whether for the athlete, the coach or the concerned parent. But how do you ensure that there is an open culture at your association that contributes to the enjoyment of the sport? Constant attention is the answer. If your association communicates rules, norms and values in a structured but fun way, it will create the right atmosphere.

Find out how this communication from your club can be strengthened by Coaching Support, thereby working with the confidant to ensure a safe feeling at the club.

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What does Coaching Support do?

Coaching Support helps your club measure and improve the athlete experience, from promoting fun to addressing undesirable behaviour. This is done through periodic surveys. Through this support, Coaching Support helps maintain a positive club culture and helps prevent problems. The services offered are specifically aimed at ensuring a safe and enjoyable sports environment for all.


The services offered by CS

Measuring Sports Experiences with Coaching Support.

With Coaching Support, the athlete experience from fun to undesirable behaviour at your
association is measured using a periodic questionnaire. The recorded responses are fed back by Coaching Support to a confidential advisor within your association.

Communications package.

Coaching Support offers your club a complete communication package centred around sports enjoyment and the prevention of undesirable behaviour. This relieves the club of extra work. For example: A general explanation of the program to the board, members, parents/guardians, trainers and to confidential advisors. In addition, the package includes promotional materials to inform and instruct all stakeholders at the club about the program.

Questionnaires for club culture and incident reports

Coaching Support provides a tool that automatically
sends periodic surveys and acts as a tool to monitor club culture with the option to report incidents.

All benefits at a glance!

  • Contribution to the enjoyment of sports for all athletes at the association.
  • Creating a safe sports environment.
  • Making socially responsible contributions as an association.
  • Create mutual respect and acceptance.
  • An honest, open and respectful association
  • More and earlier understanding of invisible problems.
  • Prevention instead of reaction.
  • Contributes to a positive image of the association.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching Support?

Coaching Support helps clubs improve athlete experiences through periodic surveys, which allow early detection and resolution of problems.

What are the benefits of Coaching Support?

Improved communication, higher member retention and proactive problem solving.

How does Coaching Support work?

We collect feedback from members and trainers and translate it into actionable insights to keep the club culture positive.

Is your question not listed here? For more information, click the button below to go to the contact page!

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